Plowshare is a non-profit organization, which means we do not have an owner...
we like to say that we are owned by our community and run by a Volunteer Board of Directors.
~ Meet Our Board Members ~
Therese Arkenberg
I first spotted the Plowshare store downtown as a Carroll University student earning my bachelors in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE). I've always been interested in sustainable market solutions to poverty, like Fair Trade. But it was my interest in peacemaking that drew me to join the Education Committee in 2012.
In 2013, I attended American University's Washington Semester program to study environment and sustainable international development in Washington, DC, and I stayed for a year afterwards interning with the Fair Trade organization Amani ya Juu. When I returned to Wisconsin, I was excited to become involved with Plowshares' shop and technology committees, and in time the Board.
I work as a freelance copyeditor and writer. My favorite genres are science fiction and fantasy--the literature of possibility. I also enjoy cooking and trying new foods, long nature walks, and visits to anywhere with a warmer climate.
Dawn Borowski
Speakers Bureau
Ever since I was a young child, I loved learning about different counties and cultures. I remember my father bringing home a delegation of executives from Japan when I was 9 years old. I was enthralled asking them tons of questions about Japan. My interest in diverse cultures and desire to travel began at that moment.
During college, I traveled to Spain, Morocco, and Holland to help quench my thirst for discovery. After college, I ended up as a AAA Travel Supervisor for 28 years, visiting many countries and learning about their cultures. I also was an adjunct Travel instructor for MATC where I shared my joy in learning about the world.
When I married my husband Larry (who surprised me with a $10 Plowshare ring when he proposed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art) in 2004, he was a big advocate of Plowshare and got me involved with the Farmers’ Market. So I became a volunteer and regular customer of Plowshare.
Upon retiring in Dec. 2013, I was asked to be on the Plowshare Marketplace Committee and helped to assist with the Fashion Show and Peacebuilder Award Event. I was delighted when asked to be on the board of this wonderful organization and to be part of the new Speakers Bureau. In this day and age, Plowshare’s mission is needed more than ever.
Peg Ktorides
Vice President
I came to know of Plowshare through a friend who was a volunteer back in the 90’s. We met through Carroll University, where I also met my husband who was part of the international student group. Always drawn to learn about other cultures, we had friends from around the globe. We were excited to share other cultures with our kids, through international trips and hosting AFS students. I worked most of my career in business
management, the last 20 years in retail management and visual merchandising. So I was thrilled when asked to be a part of the Plowshare Marketplace Committee after becoming a volunteer for the off-sites. I feel so fortunate to have met the others who are involved with Plowshare, we seem to share common values. As a lifelong singer, I have been involved with the Waukesha Choral Union and Jubilate Chorale as a singer and board member. Firmly committed to a well educated public as the foundation of a great community, I appreciate the programs Plowshare sponsors and supports. I am honored to serve on the Plowshare Board with others who care to discuss ideas on how to make our world a better place for all.
Michelle Beasley Knuese
I am the daughter of an artist who was also a small business owner. Over 30 years ago, my mother started her silk-floral arrangement business in Arizona. I helped her set up the financial and inventory spreadsheets so she could keep track of her revenues and expenditures and costs of goods sold. I also accompanied her at craft fairs and farmers and flea markets as her assistant. My mother’s business afforded her enough income to keep doing what she loved although she never “got rich” from her craft. She was just happy to own her own business and create “art”.
I am a life-long crafter myself. I crochet scarves, ponchos, and afghans. I don’t sell my goods, but rather I give them away as gifts and I find crocheting very therapeutic. I have a life-long appreciation for art (all forms including music, dance, writing, and visual arts). I frequent art museums, craft shows, theater, concerts, and dance events.
I have worked in some capacity of government budgeting and finance since 1997. I had been thinking about ways I could become involved in my community and use my skills and knowledge to help “the greater good.” In April 2021, Board Member Larry Nelson reached out to me and asked if I might be interested in serving as the new Treasurer. I am absolutely thrilled to join the Plowshare community and support artists around the world.
Diane Voit
Speakers Bureau
After 38 years of teaching Business Education at Waukesha North High School, I retired in 2014 to begin a new chapter in my life of service. In September, I traveled with nine others from my church to Tanzania to build our partnership with eight congregations in Maroroni parish. It was a life-changing experience that has prompted me to find ways to offer a “hand up” to many around the world to support varied entrepreneurial endeavors and to seek ways to develop global partnerships. I gladly accepted the invitation to join the Plowshare Marketplace Committee in November to share insights from my business background with our local fair trade retail store. I started 2015 by accepting the invitation to serve on the Plowshare Fair Trade Marketplace and Education for Peace Board of Directors. I enjoy photography, traveling, volunteering in our public schools, and spending time with my family and friends. As a life-long learner, I have enjoyed the time that retirement has allowed to read books and participate in two book discussion groups, and I look forward to being involved in many of the Plowshare outreach and education events.
Michelle Mader
Board Member
I have, for almost thirty years, shopped at Plowshare Fair Trade Marketplace and attended excellent educational events sponsored by Plowshare. I was thrilled when, in 2012, I was asked to serve on the Plowshare Board of Directors. My years working with Board members, Education Committee members, volunteers and representatives of community partner groups have given me a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with committed individuals who share my passion for social and economic justice. In addition to my role on the Board of Directors, I serve as a member of the Marketplace Committee, Chair of the Plowshare Education Committee, and as Plowshare’s representative on the Waukesha County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force.
Kate Jolin
Board Member ~ Emerita
My license plate reads "1 4PAZ" (One for Peace), and that really sums up the magnificent obsession of my adult life: peace education and action! Over the years, I have enjoyed working with many different peace groups and committed peacemakers in Waukesha County. As one of the founders of the Plowshare Center, it is a thrill to see our fair trade shop and programs for peace continue to thrive after twenty-three years in Downtown Waukesha. I am pleased to be serving still on Plowshare's board of directors and on the education committee.
This summer, my husband Jim and I celebrated our 51st Anniversary with our four adult children and their families, including eight lively grandchildren. Jim and I cultivate a native prairie and raise organic fruits and vegetables on three beautiful acres of woods and pastureland in the Town of Waukesha, where we have lived for forty years. I am truly blessed!
Larry Nelson
Board Member
I love to read, go to plays, movies, and be active in non-profits like The Plowshare Center where every purchase actually helps to make a better world. Besides working for peace and justice on the Plowshare Board, I also serve as co-chair of the Waukesha County Drug Free Communities Coalition, and on the board of the Waukesha Civic Theater, Friends of Waukesha Public Library, Waukesha Reads, SE Wisconsin Festival of Books, and the John Marshall Alumni Association. I previously was an English Teacher at Butler Middle School, a Waukesha Alderman, Waukesha Mayor, and since April of 2012, was elected as a Waukesha County Supervisor. I also serve on the Wisconsin Counties Association’s Health and Human Services Steering Committee.
Fred Garcia
Board Member
As a bilingual/bicultural social worker serving the Waukesha County area for 29 years I have always been interested in economic justice. As a coordinator of Mexican Fiesta, we bring artists from Mexico to share their art with individuals across the state that attend our event. This experience has taught me that we as a society we can enrich our lives by being open to other cultures and the need to support others worldwide is very important. I believe that art can bring people together and the mission and vision of Plowshare is near and dear to my heart. I believe the more we know about other cultures and celebrate our differences we can move to a more inclusive community that values equity.
As a young boy growing up in Sullivan Wisconsin on a migrant farm and living in the migrant camps, I understood that being different comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. Working along side with families that felt like they didn’t belong or feeling less than, I felt the need to work for Equity Inclusion and Diversity. Plowshares vision to make peace relevant to the world around us resonates with me and I have been working on building bridges across cultures for many years. I am a firm believer in economic justice and providing a platform and marketplace for artisans to share their work. It is for these reasons I have chosen to devote my time and energy to a worthy organization like Plowshare.
Karen Tredwell
Board Member
More info coming soon…
Austin Braganza
Board Member
I was born and raised in Mumbai, India. I am an engineer, an inventor and a part time educator.
I have been fortunate enough to have been able to travel around the world and see many places, but my favorite thing on these trips is to meet people and hear their stories.
I learned about Plowshare from a close friend. The Plowshare Fair Trade store carries a delightful array of products from around the world, and every one of these products tells a story, a story about a person who made a thing of beauty and possibly function and all they are looking for is fair compensation for their products.
I believe that every person is looking for security and happiness for themselves and their families. I believe everyone deserves a chance to succeed. I believe the Plowshare Fair Trade store does their part to make that happen for all people, especially farmers and craftspeople who are socially and economically marginalized.
There is a lot more to this organization than the store and that is their mission to promote Peace and Education.
I am a big fan of educators, and I love the fact that Plowshare educates people on a variety of important social issues and fair trade principles to help make the world a better, more peaceful place.
Lynn Lance
Board Member
My family literally stumbled into Plowshare during an Art Crawl. Then located on the Five Points. We were impressed with the fair trade concept. The social justice education component was a definite draw.
I became more involved with PFTM through my association with Waukesha County Green Team and the Plowshare participation in our markets. This lead to my becoming a volunteer.
I am honored to work with very talented and dedicated board.
Faye Flesia
Board Member
When I was asked to join the Plowshare Board of Directors in 2024, I was very honored. Soon after I moved to Waukesha to become a librarian at UW-Waukesha, I began shopping at the Fair Trade Marketplace and attending the Plowshare educational programs. I am very fortunate to live in a city that has the Plowshare Fair Trade Marketplace and peace and justice programs.